Friends call me Priscilla but if u call me Yin Cheng,
U're either from my primary or secondary school.
Currently pursuing a degree from SIM-RMIT, gonna start hunting for job by nx half of 2007.
Part-timing at Night Safari which just gave me a 10-cent increment after 2 yrs of hard work.
A believer in Christ, love my family, bf and friends.
You have to know me to like me.
Well... u might not.
So go on and read my blog, prob u'll like me a little more after it.
Would you be Mine tml?
Advance Dive Cert Absolut Ruby Red Bags(any kind) Beach bag Belts Bikini Birkies-Gizeh Blings Blings Bluetooth Earpiece Bodyshop Passion Fruit Body scrub+Body butter+Shower Gel Cellnique-Pro Serum Gel Dive Gear Dinner @ Vanilla Pod Frisbee(Ultimate frisbee size) Goose down pillow Green froggie coin purse frm NARUTO Lamp Berger Oil-refill:The vert,Green Tea/Ocean Essential Oil/Rose d'iris/Mandarine Mini Hi-Fi New Camera-Canon Ixus? New Lappy New fragrance-Sweet New storybooks Nice black pants Percy Pig Chewy Piggy Stuff Pretty purse Puma Sneakers k800i Scrapbook accessories SG Driving Licence Steamboat buffet @ CoCa Shopping trip @ BKK That GREEN adidas jacket Trip to Mount Kinabalu Trip to Shanghai+HK+US+Taiwan Watch(Rectangle face with metal strip)
Ripped it off Kelvin's blog... cos i think it's damn hilarious!! Take a break from ur studies/ work pple... this will definitely bring some laughter to ur day =)
Walking around junction 8 after church today, alone. *whine*
Jalan jalan around MUJI and found the bottle i've been looking for, the bottle to put my dried flowers. =) The best thing? it was on a 50% discount! U noe how expensive things are in MUJI. I think my flowers will look very pretty in their new home!
Too bad the new lilies darling gave didn't survive the drying process, it dropped off from their stems. The only thing i can do is to do pressed petals instead. I hope they will turn out well. ;)
Exams are half way tru, the next half will take another 2 wks. Really draggy... but I WILL SURVIVE!! The upcoming paper is the paper i dread most, Business Finance. I suck in maths, my tiny brain not meant for difficult calculations and wordy formulas. *boo-hoo* It's 70% of the module so i die die also muz pass.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. -- Philippians 4:6-7 Thx for ur encouragement Bryan =)
Was reading digital life this morning and found this really amazing online program for editing word documents! A really good tool for student when everyone need to edit the report at the same time. We can save the hazzle to send the documents from one to another, with this program, we can edit it together in "real time"!!! It even highlight to you, which party edited which part! Cool isnt it?! There's more more!! As i was typing this blog entry using the program, it auto-saved for me everytime i stop typing for awhile. It even uploads directly to my blog! Totally DIG this program! =) Try it out at A program started by "i duno who" but bought over by google i realised. YES, AGAIN. The same as *shrugs*
Technology is so advance nowadays, it just bring comforts to our life. But, we must not take all these for granted. Once in awhile, we still need to appreciate the simpler things around us so we won't lose touch with the people that mean the most to us.
Tomorrow is THE day... the start of my examinations. Am i prepared? I hope so, keeping my fingers cross and pray that i'll remember what i studied. *pout* WIsh it'll be over soon.... not soon.. but NOW!!! *grumblez*
My dad was scanning the old photos for safe-keeping and i picked out some really cute ones of myself!
Can u spot which one is me?! *gigglez*
My 2nd bday, with my handsome cousin vincent beside me. =) Look at myUBER CHUBBY face!!! My bday cake is my favourite since young, chocolate cake!
Miss my granny, taught me how to make origami -- paper cranes, frog, fishes.... Now that she's no longer here with us, she will always be in our heart. *Heart you*
My cousins!! well, almost all of them except evelyn. The boy in red is vincent. Beside me is my 3rd aunt and her 2 kids (left: Kayee and right: Benji).I think the pouting me look quite adorable don't i? *grinz*
I don't think i've changed much over the years. Less chubby face probably. Ohh...I've even been on Johnson & Johnson print advertisement too! Need to dig it out one day. That will be my all time favourite! =)
Yesterday, daddy was asking me where should he hang this puzzle... i wonder which puzzle was he talking about. *smile* It's a puzzle i made for him wen i was a little girl -- his baby, and he said he want to hang it up cos it's made by me. =) Isnt it sweet?
Made this last year, mum bought this for me cos she said it symbolises us -- mummy and daughter.
The two very very important person in my life each has a puzzle made for them. Pieces of my life, joining together to make who i am today. Love u mum & dad! *muacks*
Bloggging seems to be an outlet for me to destress.... *sigh*
Apart from the scars i got from paintball a couple of weeks back, i got mossie bitesssss... one mossie that cause it all, one mossie to ruin it all... now i got ugly legs with scars and red marks. *boo-hoo* =( that is only on ONE leg.... the other leg also received the same treatment....
But despite of it, Prisc is a happy girl! Cos Granny bought her many things! *beams*
I totally love this pair of heelies cos gotPRETTYribbons on them!
Belties with blings-blings and pretty shiny stones!!
Little sweetred cardigen that matches well with the whitetop too!
Studying for exam is sucha bore, luckily Mark's mummy bought me some snacks to keep me alert!Fruity snacksthat are healthy and nice! *double beams* =D
Alriteyz... shall get back to the sea of notez, books.... *baaaaa* =(
Guess my culinary skills will improved after this exam period. Too lazy to step out of the house to buy lunch, and to save money, cooking is the best alternative. I like to cook anyway =P My fried rice for this afternoon -- meatballs, fishcake, egg, crabstick and veg included! Added Balachan for the extra spice too. =)
This is the time of the term i hated most... arghh...
"God please help me pull through this crucial period, give me the mental strength and concentration to study conscientiously. Help me remember the things i've studied and be able to apply them during my exam. I pray for all my friends who are studying for their exams too, pray that they will remember what they study. I also pray for the health of everyone, especially during this hazey period. Amen."
If only there's an Ikea SPREE, im sure me and val will be their favourite customers!! *grinz*
Thanks AL for the Ikea's meatball treat! we were too bloated to walk after a hefty lunch. heee... but all is well, too well in fact. Cos we started shopping. :P Initially we juz wanna push the trolley cos we're lazy to carry our bags. BUTTTT, we end up filling it with frames and arty fartyposter and cute little soft toys!!
That's vaL's, doesn't seem a lot? Well, the contents are 6 small frames, 3 bigger ones, 1 poster, 1 plastic container, 1 multi-coloured boxes.
Here's mine... dun need further explanation yeah... heee
All these cute little finger puppets are my favourite!!!! Got frog, elephant, giraffe, bear, duck, monkey, parrot, lion, moose and panda-look-alike!!
vaL and her future daughter's bed
if only you wore green! that it's PICTURE PERFECT!! heee *hint: look at the background*
Look at vaL when she was at poly year 3, and look at how pretty she's grown up to be!! =) I love this pic!
vaL's arty farty poster.... matches her ORANGEY top today =)
Oh my my.... our rooms are gonna be soooooooo nice rt vaL?? =)
Another discovery, Ikea is not only a place for u to view furnitures, it's a feast for ur eyes too! Our eyes were eating "ice-Cream" like the whole day lar!!! *giggles* Corporate wear, tee & berms, clean look... we actually have same taste for the 1st time! It's so fun to shop with vaL today, lots of laughter... keep our stress away for a moment. =) Heart you gal!
Someone got a bak zam, (i can't disclose the name or else i'll be dead, but you know who cos its so obvious) and it looks like a pimple. The doc said it is similar, you can even pop it out too! (Imagine squeezing ur eye lid) SO i asked, is there like an english name for bak zam? She said the doc called it bak zam too! lolz... i've been teasing her the whole day (which i hardly), hope she dun curse me to have bak zam too! :P
Heard this classic song over the radio, a song my primary schmates and me sang on our talent-time group competition. We won! :) And to all my friends out there, this song is for u. Artist: Diana Ross Lyrics Song: If We Hold On Together Lyrics
Don't lose your way With each passing day You've come so far Don't throw it away Live believing Dreams are for weaving Wonders are waiting to start Live your story Faith, hope & glory Hold to the truth in your heart
If we hold on together I know our dreams will never die Dreams see us through to forever Where clouds roll by For you and I
Souls in the wind Must learn how to bend Seek out a star Hold on to the end Valley, mountain There is a fountain Washes our tears all away Words are swaying Someone is praying Please let us come home to stay
If we hold on together I know our dreams will never die Dreams see us through to forever Where clouds roll by For you and I
When we are out there in the dark We'll dream about the sun In the dark we'll feel the light Warm our hearts, everyone
If we hold on together I know our dreams will never die Dreams see us through to forever As high as souls can fly The clouds roll by For you and I
Is it just me or anyone else also wish to break away, break free from all the obligations? At age 22, i've spent more than half of my life studying... it gets so mundane and sometime i dunno where i'm heading anymore. Do you know where you are heading?
At the back of my mind, i have a plan. I'll try out "this", if "this" doesn't happen, i will do "that". But i'm not sure if taking up "this" 1st is a wise choice or should i just do "that". You are confuse i'm sure. =P
Anyway, finished my test today. What's left is 1 project (due this friday), and 4 exam papers. Time passes quickly again and i got a feeling i will not go for the exchange. Disappointed yeah... but a consolation is i will get to go for my Phantom of Opera.
Gonna stock up the food in my cupboard and fridge in preparation for the exam battle. Pls motivate me to study pple, if u see me online, pls tell me to go study.
*i feel so helpless that i can't help u... seeing u break down alone hurts me. pls pls let me know if u juz need me to be there ok? u dun need to put up a brave front infront of me cos i know it too well what it's like to be in ur shoes.*
Don't really like the dullcolours of the previous skin... and other "obvious" reason that vaL pointed out. Thus made changes and WALA... a new vibrant skin in 5 mins!
Anyway... that's not the star of today's keep scrolling. =)
ChEeSiE HeArTMade with LOVE by me!! Tried and tested, verdict? Ask Mr. Mark urself =)
Went to celebrate the MOONIE day @ Chinatown! More More and More of us!
Love the atmosphere, not too crowded and nice lanterns! At some point of time, the road was block, i thought there'll be some performance. (Police car along the road, policeman controlling crowd) Turn out to be, it's the President's car tts passing by the place... dohhh... *roll eyes*
Before coming to Chinatown, Darling mentioned about this sausage stall opened by an Ang mo.. but he duno where is it. Lucky him, we manage to find it! and the sausages were GOOD!! Now i've craving for more... October Feast anyone?? *grinz*
On the way home, we thought we couldn't see any moon. Cos the haze was real bad. What is mid autumn festival without MOONIE?! hee.. and i spotted her right away!!
Din i mentioned i love playing with candles during this festive day? Guess the tradition still there! candles and sparkles!! =)
Enjoy every moment spent with u darling, it just makes me misses u even more when i don't get to see u *pout*. Wish the holiday is here soon and last but not least, Happy 5th month darling!