Friday, August 05, 2005


Why early?

I guess it's pretty standard when people meet early in the morning and they are usually late.. lolz.. oh well, and i'm usually early when the meeting is like 10am cos daddy will be sending me to school. If meeting is like 11 or 12pm.. i'll be late instead.... *grinz* Lucky i brought my trustee lappy with me to kill my boredom... or else i'll be waiting here like a dumbo... falling aslp in the serenity of the place...the benches outside library.

There're many things to be done today. Hopefully we will finish most of our tabulation of the questionnaires and prolly the editing of the OE pair work?!! *tired* Me and VaL were super brain dead yesterday when so many of the framework can't be used and we are left with almost "NO CHOICE" but to choose "THAT ONE". *grumble* to think that i've manage to find reference for our "1st chosen" framework and now it can't be used.. *grumble*

I want to watch "CHARLIE AND THE CHOC FACTORY" who want to watch with me!



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