Friday, August 04, 2006

The little things and big things and everything in between

"Sometimes it's the little things that mean the most to me, your kiss, your hand in mine or the everyday things that are more fun because we share them...

Sometimes it's the
BIG things that make the day more beautiful, our love that's stronger than any problems we've had to face...

But in the
BIG things, the little things and everything in between, sharing life with you now is a gift my heart holds dear, a gift i won't take for granted. Love ya!" ---- M.Q

This is something that i'll hold so dear to my heart that every time i read it, i just feel the warmth and love u give. Love you too!!

Can't wait for Monday to come!! Val say it's a day i draw a heart on the date in my organiser. *beams*



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