Sunday, June 12, 2005

Future plans

*scratch head*

A lot of things goin tru my mind now... can't really put them in order cos it's just like those annoying pop-up ads from your windows, keep popping up. During one month in States, i did some soul-searching, had many slpless nites. How i wish i can share with someone, but only to realise that i'm all alone. I started to pray, prayers can really do wonders and I'm grateful that God is with me all the time. Therefore, i'm able to enjoy my holidays, did lots of shopping and spent some quality time with my aunt and granny.

There're some changes wen i returned from states, but if anyone asked me to choose again to go or not to go. I will choose to go states and not stay behind. Cos i realise, it doesn't change anything even if i don't go, why not give myself a break and hv some great time over there. (and i really really love travelling too!)

I'm still waiting for some explanation, i hate to be left hanging there. Busy has always been the excuse, even at times like now. Can u spare some tots for me too...


I've been thinking, do one yr of my studies in spore and one yr in aussie. Always wanted to go overseas to study but am tied down financially. If RMIT really allows, maybe i can work something out. Val u interested? *smile* Wed wakeboarding confirm yeah! I'm not working that day, it's such a perfect timing. *grinz* It's time to get my lazy bum some exercise, but i noe it'll be hell the next day. *frown*

Anyone have lobang for external cd-drive? cd/dvd-rw... and u peeps hv to wait a while before i load those pics up.. it's really too many lah... =P The weather is so hot, it sorta slow down all my movements... arrgghhh!!! I miss the comfy weather in LA!



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